Thursday, October 22, 2009

California American Without Prejudice

Embracing all walks of life

162 years since its conception; 9 years its reflection. I reflect upon my surroundings to survey the sound structure of another race; another personality. Mentality is this: All that you are is a part of me; and I; the equal other part of you.
Maintain roots; and desirably so, for without roots one has no chance of ever branching out. California Americans are a unique breed of people composed of different worldly regions and an American perspective. A state created by immigrants; assembled by their will, labor, and vision. All of us of different authentic origins; in honor a home.
Our Golden state is shall be home for all honorable souls willing to make her better. Where do my roots originate? What nutrients can we provide our soil? CAWP share the experience of your ethnicity. Help me understand another colorful component of California culture. All of different origins; in pursuit of our home. (31 salute.) California American Without Prejudice.

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