ART understanding tradition and culture within the boundries laid by American Lansford Hastings. The Utterances of California by Montalvo in 1510. The explorations and establishment of Cabrillo in 1542. (4th/21.) San Gabriel Mission 1771. 1774 Anza party. Territory of alta and baja California to Federal Republic of Mexico in 1824. Secularization of the Missions and arrival of Hijar-Padres colony to Alta California in 1834. Noble Californio families isolated from Mexican Rule... ... ... US statehood 1850. California Republic 31. March 1851 Land Act by Congress; into today.
Meeting to CAwP poetry along with musical accompaniment. Ongoing project.
Abstract interpretations in theory and conceptual His Story.
Suggestions Collaborations permitted upon approval of response.
Salute Three fingers toward the forehead, drop two and the One said?...
all styles/genres welcomed years old
Near California Poly †echnical University Pomona. garage space nook.